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Sliced OT Color Transfer / CPU / Balanced

We discuss now about the Sliced Partial Optimal Transport case. For that, let us use to the optimized SPOT code (Nicolas Bonneel, David Coeurjolly).



Code comments


Usage: ./colorTransferPartial [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -s,--source TEXT            Source image
  -t,--target TEXT            Target image
  -o,--output TEXT            Output image
  -n,--nbsteps UINT           Number of sliced steps (3)
  -b,--sizeBatch UINT         Number of dirtections on a batch (1)
  -r,--regularization         Apply a regularization step of the transport plan using bilateral filter (false).
  --sigmaXY FLOAT             Sigma parameter in the spatial domain for the bilateral regularization (16.0)
  --sigmaV FLOAT              Sigma parameter in the value domain for the bilateral regularization (5.0)
  --silent                    No verbose messages


100 slices, default parameters, no regularization, same image size (3,5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5). When considering images with same size, the code has an overhead compared to the CPU/Balanced code.

./colorTransferPartial -s pexelA-0.png -t pexelB-0.png -o output.png -n 100 --silent
Source image: 1280x1024   (3)
Target image: 1280x1024   (3)
elapsed time: 34.1797s

When we increase the size of the target image to reproduce the results of Sliced Partial Optimal Transport:

./colorTransferPartial -s pexelA-0.png -t pexelB-0-larger.png -o output-partial.png -n 100
Source image: 1280x1024   (3)
Target image: 1536x1229   (3)
finished computation at Fri Aug 30 13:25:11 2019
elapsed time: 23.2826s