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Sliced OT Color Transfer / Python exampe

Here you have a python implementation by @iperov (thanks!). This code also illustrates the sliced OT color transfer in Lab color space. This code requires numpy and opencv python packages.

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as npla
import cv2
def CTSOT(src,trg, steps=10, batch_size=5, reg_sigmaXY=16.0, reg_sigmaV=5.0):
    Color Transform via Sliced Optimal Transfer, ported by @iperov

    src         - any float range any channel image
    dst         - any float range any channel image, same shape as src
    steps       - number of solver steps
    batch_size  - solver batch size
    reg_sigmaXY - apply regularization and sigmaXY of filter, otherwise set to 0.0
    reg_sigmaV  - sigmaV of filter

    return value - clip it manually
    if not np.issubdtype(src.dtype, np.floating):
        raise ValueError("src value must be float")
    if not np.issubdtype(trg.dtype, np.floating):
        raise ValueError("trg value must be float")

    if len(src.shape) != 3:
        raise ValueError("src shape must have rank 3 (h,w,c)")

    if src.shape != trg.shape:
        raise ValueError("src and trg shapes must be equal")    

    src_dtype = src.dtype        
    h,w,c = src.shape
    new_src = src.copy()

    for step in range (steps):
        advect = np.zeros ( (h*w,c), dtype=src_dtype )
        for batch in range (batch_size):
            dir = np.random.normal(size=c).astype(src_dtype)
            dir /= npla.norm(dir)

            projsource = np.sum( new_src*dir, axis=-1).reshape ((h*w))
            projtarget = np.sum( trg*dir, axis=-1).reshape ((h*w))

            idSource = np.argsort (projsource)
            idTarget = np.argsort (projtarget)

            a = projtarget[idTarget]-projsource[idSource]
            for i_c in range(c):
                advect[idSource,i_c] += a * dir[i_c]
        new_src += advect.reshape( (h,w,c) ) / batch_size

    if reg_sigmaXY != 0.0:
        src_diff = new_src-src
        new_src = src + cv2.bilateralFilter (src_diff, 0, reg_sigmaV, reg_sigmaXY )
    return new_src